Ten Ways to Harden a Child’s Heart toward God




ImageDuring the past several years, we have written dozens of articles about education and family. Some of them have been difficult to write as we endeavor to express truth in a gracious way.


This particular article has proven to be the most challenging yet. It contains valuable information that we believe parents everywhere must consider.

However, it also confronts the Christian parent with Biblical facts that may bring conviction, irritation, or even anger. In admonishing a Christian brother over the harshness of his words, Pastor John Piper once suggested that the brother say the truth that needed to be said, but to say it with tears running down his face.

I assure you that this writing is not done with the spirit of a self-righteous, judgmental heart. What is written is written with tears. How can this be? What can the church do to reverse this trend that is producing an ever shrinking faithful body of believers in America?


 The answer is right in front of us: they are being taught to think in ways that will drive them away from Christian thinking. Where? It is happening five days a

week, for more than seven hours a day in the place that 95% of Americans send their children- the public schools and the non Christian private schools.


 Is it possible that parents might unwittingly expose their children to an environment that would increase the likelihood that their children would never love and obey God? Can parents put their children in situations that would actually harden their child’s heart against God? We fearfully answer, “yes.”


 Christian parents must realize that two hours in a Sunday morning church service or a Wednesday night youth group meeting can not conquer the effects of thirty five hours per week of teaching that is void of Christ as the explicit center of every subject, curriculum, lesson, and concluding application for life thinking.


 Let us be clear that this is not an attack on Christian teachers in the non Christian school. Lord willing, God will use Christian teachers in every school to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. This should not be perceived as an attack on non Christian schools. It is not. What we are doing here is pointing out 10 facts about the philosophy of the non Christian school and the Biblical consequences that follow.


Some of these things may be hard to hear, but we plead with you to open your mind and carefully think through these points. Now let’s begin our analysis of the issue by first getting a Biblical perspective from God about children. Read more about this most important issue here >http://www.discoverchristianschools.com/resources/ten_ways_to_harden_a_child_s_heart_toward_god